
AustralianFiresprovidesinformationaboutfireincidentsthroughoutthecountry.AggregatingdatafromtheRFS,CFA,FESandothervariousFireandRescue ...,,USAFlagtheUS,andCanadaFlagCanada.Stayinformedwithsomeofour ...,Locationsandextentsofhistoricalbushfiresandburningevents,fromGeoscienceAustralia(GA).,Accessthemostcomplete,up-to-dateinforma...

Australian Fires. Bushfire Map on the App Store

Australian Fires provides information about fire incidents throughout the country. Aggregating data from the RFS, CFA, FES and other various Fire and Rescue ...

Welcome |

Welcome to Your trusted natural disaster map for AU Flag Australia, USA Flag the US, and Canada Flag Canada. Stay informed with some of our ...

Historical Bushfire Boundaries

Locations and extents of historical bushfires and burning events, from Geoscience Australia (GA).

Australian bushfire data hub

Access the most complete, up-to-date information about active fires as provided by Australia's state-based emergency services authorities. National Bushfire ...

Digital Earth Australia Hotspots

Digital Earth Australia Hotspots is a national bushfire monitoring system that provides timely information about hotspots to emergency service managers and ...


MyFireWatch provides bushfire location information in a quickly accessible form, designed for general public use around Australia.

Australia fires

2020年1月31日 — Australia's deadliest bushfire disaster was Black Saturday ... Map showing mean maximum temperatures across Australia for 29 December 2019.

Fire Maps

The mapping shows the extent of the 2019-2020 bushfires and provides information about the burn severity. Area burnt and burn severity information were mapped ...

Australian Bushfire Map

Australian Bushfire Map, showing recent satellite thermal hotspots and incident alerts from QLD, NSW, ACT, SA, WA, Victorian and Tasmanian fire services.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
